Airconditioning in electric Volvo Amazon wagon

Only recently after finishing the electrical heater and it’s controls, I got the idea to add air conditioning to the electric Amazon Combi. Considering this would become a daily driven vehicle, it would definitely add to it’s comfort. So I took my original Frigiking F500 underdash airco unit for an Amazon that I had laying in the attic, and see if it would fit.

Frigiking underdash positioneren

Because of my customized heater, it wouldn’t fit in it’s original position. I didn’t want it to be on the most outer right side, so I took the airco unit for an 1800ES instead.

1800ES underdash proberen

That was definitely a better fit, but the airflow would become a challenge. So instead I tried a universal airco unit I once bought a while ago.

universele underdash passen

This one was also to bulky. Last but not least, I gave it a go with a compact underdash unit from a Daf that I got a great deal on.

Daf underdash passen

This one had the best fit, but unfortunately it was only the passenger that would get any fresh air. A whole bunch of units to go with, but non of them would be up for the task.

3x Airco underdash Amazon

Let’s get back to the start. With the blowers taken out, the original unit actually fitted nicely in the center in front of the heater.

Frigiking in het midden

Amazon airco past redelijk

We might be able to fit a blower on the right side of this unit.

beperkte ruimte blowers

But on the left side, the heater element will be in the way.

heating element in de weg

With a bit of perseverance and a small chunk out of the glove box, I was able to add a separate Spal blower to this unit.

blower rechts

On the left side I could only fit one in with a bit of an angle.

blower links

The only problem now is that the center of the airco evaporator will not receive a proper flow, and the flow on the left side of the unit will be indirect. Back to the drawing board, perhaps with a heater element placed in it’s longitude.

toch andere orientatie PTC

Or maybe even with an angle so I could make this a combined unit were the stock blower will both flow the cold air from the airco system, and the warm air from my custom heater element.

of gecombineerde unit

It’s going to take quite an overhaul of the heater unit. In any case I will start by adding an original Brrrr rear window sticker that was used by Volvo dealers back in the day.

Brrrrr sticker

Translation by Stefan Dieters.

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