Collecting all remaining parts and EV components I made

Collecting all loose Amazon parts and components and EV mounts I made over the last couple of years.

Collecting all loose Amazon parts and components and EV mounts

Including the gas cap / charging cap I made magnetic so you can store it on the car while charging.

Made the gas cap charging cap magnetic so you

Finalised the dashboard, airco/heater and repaired the licenseplate holder.

Finalised the dashboard aircoheater and repaired the licenseplate holder vol
1692962283 78 Finalised the dashboard aircoheater and repaired the licenseplate holder vol
1692962284 102 Finalised the dashboard aircoheater and repaired the licenseplate holder vol

Added an emergency charge connector to the crossmember (tow hook to charge through regeneration while being towed). And media blasted some parts myself.

Added an emergency charge connector to the crossmember tow hook
1692962043 515 Added an emergency charge connector to the crossmember tow hook
1692962044 594 Added an emergency charge connector to the crossmember tow hook

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OldVolvo is a classic Volvo hobby blog by Lars Rengersen.



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