Custom fender badge for electric Volvo Amazon wagon

My Volvo Amazon wagon is a sports edition and thus had 122S fender badges.
Badge 122S
However, officially is should have been 222S and on the standard wagon 221.
That badge however was only used in the first modelyear, 1962.
Volvo 221 badge
The one for the Volvo 222 badge is even more rare probably since it was only used on the modelyear 1962 cars of USA export.
After 1962 Volvo has decided to use the sedan badges on the stationcars as well.
I’d like to have a custom fender badge with 222E. My father is also converting his wagon and this is a standard edition so that would become 221E.
Eugen from Gun Custom Guitars wanted to create both. Normally he makes this kind of badges for the guitars he builds.
Badge Gun Guitars Eugen
So he designed the badges.
Tekening 222E embleem
And after some refinements milled them from brass.
Messing maatwerk badges Volvo
After that they have been chromed by Jacobs NCI.
Emblemen verchroomd
Really nice job!
To paint them I went to the local pharmacy to get some ‘tools’.
Gereedschap apotheek
And used paint from a spray can to fill up the badges.
Embleem inkleuren
I am going to improve the red color and fill the small unevenness.
222E emblemen Volvo Amazon
I really like the end result, thanks to Eugen and Petra/Jacobs NCI for their efforts. Will take a while though before I can really install them on the fenders.

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