Picked up the Amazon wagon and back home

After two months of working at and together with Oldtimer Service Overmars in Raalte, the body of the car is ready (for now) in terms of welding. Therefore I picked it up at Peter.

combi opgehaald bij overmars oldtimer service

And unloaded it at home together with my son.

afladen thuis met Sven

Now it is nice and close (Raalte was a one way 40 min drive by car) and in a slightly heated area.

combi weer thuis

Now I will start working on the wiring harness, the frame for the controller and the batteries. After that I will take it apart completely again to have it sandblasted and painted with epoxy.

Peter, thanks for your craftsmanship and inspiring time!

oldtimer service overmars body klaar

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