Update: The power steering ECU needs a speed signal and I developed a Power Steering speed signal kit for the Volvo Amazon.
Recently I started implementing power steering from an Opel Corsa C in the Amazon wagon. The unit was more or less in place and I prepared an adapter for the lower steering axle. Before I started cutting the original steering axles I measurd the angle an made a reference.
For those interested, the angle is 72,3 degrees.
Not critical to align in detail on forehand since the clamp connecting the outer tube onto the dash will squeeze it in the right angle anyway. However it is a relevant waypoint for deciding on the correct height of the power steering unit.
I also measures the length of the upper steering axle which is relevant for aligning the steering wheel and the cover.
Next I finalised the position of the unit. Placed it level just because it can.
Prepared a mount to be welded onto the car with two welded M8 bolts in it.
Next I stitch welded it. Had to take it out a couple of times to fine tune the height of the unit. The lower steering axle was not perfectly centered in the hole in the firewall.
The distance between the steering axle and the brake booster did turn out to be a challenge. While making the mounts for the iBooster I did lilt up the steering box, but apparently not all the way. In the end there is room between the two even in the highest position.
So now I could chop off the lower part of the steering axle.
And slide it onto the adapter I prepared earlier and test fit. Works out nicely.
Next I cut the upper side to the correct length. Both the outer tube.
And the inner steering axle itself.
For the steering axle I made a busing which I re-used from the Corsa steering column. This allows me to slide the upper axle of the Amazon over the splines of the Corsa unit.
This allows me to fine tune the length before fixing it by welding and additionally the splines help transfer the forces applied to the steering wheel onto the EPS.
After aligning the steering wheel and the cover I stitch welded the inner and outer upper steering column parts while mounted in the car.
After that I finalised the welds of the inner axle and outer tube on the bench. I also fastened the hinge of the height adjustment as it as used in the Corsa.
And I welded the adapter onto the lower steering axle.
Another part ready to be mounted just by bolting it in.