To do list before media blasting gets shorter!

To do list before media blasting gets shorter! Lot’s of small things done: front mount, CHAdeMO glands, Mike Sander grease conservation access holes and much more.

To do list before media blasting gets shorter Lots of
1692963602 239 To do list before media blasting gets shorter Lots of
1692963603 896 To do list before media blasting gets shorter Lots of
1692963603 964 To do list before media blasting gets shorter Lots of

Got some Gorilla Tape to wrap the sunroof in bisonyl cover to protect it from dust and sand during media blasting.

Got some @gorilla tape to wrap the sunroof in bisonyl cover
1692963483 351 Got some @gorilla tape to wrap the sunroof in bisonyl cover
1692963483 924 Got some @gorilla tape to wrap the sunroof in bisonyl cover
1692963484 714 Got some @gorilla tape to wrap the sunroof in bisonyl cover

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