Welding the frame for the rear battery box

The stainless steel battery box parts are in so now it’s time to weld everything together. Despite the fact that I have bought a TIG welder and welding the heater  went quite ok, I’ve decided to outsource the welding of the battery boxes. Stainless steel is more difficult to weld than steel and moreover, the battery mounts are quite a critical part. Furthermore I want nice and clean welds. With the beams all sorted I went to Mischa from Garage71.

Hechten achterframe

What a craftmenship! My compliments, especially given the high temperatures of 33 degrees or more inside and outside.

TIG lassen RVS

Some corrections and alignment was needed now and then due to the impact of the heat in the steel. In the end it was all nice and straight.

TIG las vakwerk Mischa

Nice to see a design that I’ve spend so many hours on to become real.

Realisatie ontwerp in RVS

Test fitting an module. Check! Fits perfectly.

Testpassen module in frame

The same goes for the frame in the outer skin of the box. Nice and tight.

Testpassen frame in bak

So I’m very happy with the results so far.

Lars blij met resultaat

There still is plenty of welding work to do, so to be continued….

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