Volvo color to RAL colors

RAL kleurenwaaier

RX10 from Caprotech is available in all RAL colours. In my opinion, this is a great product to use for the inside and bottom of the car and then it is nice if it matches the Volvo color of the car as well as possible. That is why I bought a RAL color deck and … Read more

Adjustment and maintenance data

tips onderhoud Volvo

Sometimes it is useful to have the adjustment and maintenance data in a clear overview. Oil change What? How often? How many? With which? Comments Engine oil At the latest every 10,000 km, preferably every 5,000 km. In a B20 goes 3.75 liters of oil (up to the max. dash). 3.5 liters is therefore also … Read more

Build your own Volvo Amazon convertible

Amazon cabrio Joop

It is both technically and in terms of regulations possible to build an Amazon convertible yourself and get it on Dutch registration. However, this is not easy. The biggest challenges are: Volvo Amazon convertibles in The Netherlands As far as I know, there are 6 Amazon convertibles with Dutch registration. Four via import and two … Read more

Importing a car from Sweden

Zweedse nummerplaat

Check Swedish registration For some basic information about a car, you can check a Swedish license plate at Transportstyrelsen (say the Swedish RDW). Sometimes even the mileage is listed with the most recent MOT. Bringing it to the Netherlands can of course be done by a transporter or on a car trailer, but driving back … Read more

Brake booster Volvo Amazon

rembekrachtiger gekocht2

A brake booster is very convenient. You won’t find modern cars without them. In our Amazon’s they are often omitted because they wear out and replacement is pricey. There are roughly three brake boosters in the Amazon and early type P1800 (the P1800 and the 1800S). The 1800E and 1800ES have an integrated brake booster … Read more

Wheel alignment Volvo Amazon


Prepare You can already prepare a lot yourself. Make sure that the relevant bolts are properly usable. This prevents a mechanic from finding it too much work if a bolt is too stuck and therefore only leaves it that way. So make the following bolts usable: These bolts are secured with locking plates. It is … Read more


OldVolvo is a classic Volvo hobby blog by Lars Rengersen.



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Do you also want to convert your car (Volvo or another brand) to full electric? As a spin-off of my own EV conversion project I started EVcreate for 'enabling EV conversions'

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