Volvo color to RAL colors

Je bent nu in:

RX10 from Caprotech is available in all RAL colours. In my opinion, this is a great product to use for the inside and bottom of the car and then it is nice if it matches the Volvo color of the car as well as possible. That is why I bought a RAL color deck and do the mapping from Volvo color to RAL color.

RAL colour range

PS. This conversion is done at my personal discretion and use is at your own risk. Used a color from the table below? Share your experience!

The expansion of the table is still being worked on.

Do you have a car in a color (original paint or repainted in good color) that does not yet have an example and can I add it? Mail me a photo taken diagonally from the front stating the color number, then I’ll add it.

Color numberNameExampleRAL colorExperiences
19 Black   
31 Medium blue   
42 California white   
46 Ruby red Volvo   Color   46 RAL3003Was a bit too light, so I added some black (see blog post).
56, 56-1 Olive green   
59 Olive green   
67, 67-1 Slate blue   
72 Deer brown   
73 Mist green   
79, 79-1 Pearl white RAL1013 Differs slightly, but so do 79 and 79-1.
80, 80-1, 80-2 Graphite grey   
84 Sahara yellow   
85 Sea blue   
89 Light blue   
90 Dark blue (navy)   
91 Light green   
94 Dark greenVolvo   Color   94 RAL6009 Need to add some black.
95, 95-1 Light blue   
96 Dark blue (royal) RAL5004 
97 Pale yellow   
99 Sky blueVolvo   Color   99  
104Turquoisevolvo   104   turqoise RAL5018 Thanks to Hans for the match. He indicated that the color matches well with him, but that turquoise remains a difficult color due to discoloration and slightly different compositions.
n.a.Volvo primer  RAL3009Oxidrot
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